This is an introduction to the various articles and content that appear on this page. It is written in order to give some context to the statements and observations made in them.

As mentioned in the ‘about’ section of this website, this ministry is inspired in Christ for the purpose of illuminating the Gospel as well as God’s truths across diverse areas of life, and particularly those that pertain to the Christian life. The content of the subjects addressed is purely to by God’s help strive to reveal what the Scriptures say about them so that the Church of God may be better equipped in its Walk of Faith and to glorify God in doing so.

The Scripture of Ephesians 6:14 embodies what this website strives to represent. That is, ‘the belt of truth’ is the first piece of the believer’s armour mentioned which reveals that the Hope of humanity and success of the believer’s Walk is founded upon the truth and nature of the righteous and holy God in whom we are to be strong in and in the strength of His might (v. 10)(Isa 11:5).

Thus, this section and website is borne out of the need for people and Christians alike to more properly recognise the importance of the plain truth about God and the uniqueness of His Word and for it to always be embraced from His ‘view’ because of eternal implications. Much too prevalent across Christendom is the compromising of God’s truths in His Word through erroneous interpretation approaches and teachings that change and distort the presentation and plain meanings of the Faith we follow. Unfortunately, this has caused much of Christendom to stand in contradiction with the ways of God and His Word.

This means that such contrary positions and actions render people to dangerously be in sin and thus to be in a state of ongoing non-repentance concerning sin and therefore disqualification from heaven (1 Cor 9:24-27). This can be understood in the case of believers who may be sound in diverse areas of their Walk such as faith, wisdom, and spreading the Gospel but lack an accurate understanding of the fundamental practices of the Word’s full truth and which unfortunately hinders these other traits above from being properly effective in application.

For instance, a person may seem to be representing the full armour of God in their Walk namely wearing the helmet of salvation, wearing the breastplate of righteousness, having the shield of faith, shodding one’s feet with the preparation of the Gospel of peace, and having the sword of the Spirit. However, the existence of God’s ‘belt of truth’ and this representation of His nature and sovereignty is what sets the Christian Faith apart from every other governing belief, and is the believer’s identifying characteristic. In its absence, the other armour pieces above cannot function properly or at all.

Thus, this ministry is intended to also help alert the Church of God to the plain and uncompromising truths of God’s Word, and thereby encourage them to not be found in contradiction in doctrine, teachings, and practice. This, unsurprisingly, is due to a need for a true and abiding relationship with Jesus Christ but also because of the great risks in being outside of God’s Will and therefore inevitably being subject to adverse eternal consequences (Matt 7:21-23).

Furthermore, while believers are continually on the journey of sanctification, the critical factor is the need for believers to be equipped and functioning as faithful ambassadors of Jesus Christ and the Gospel in representing this ‘belt of truth’. In doing so, it is my hope that the articles’ content would not be regarded as a criticism of any particular person’s conduct or character as this is not my intention and much of the information presented is long standing beliefs. Rather, it is simply to be true to God’s Word alone without fear or favour and compromise and thereby striving to represent Him in the fullness of His truths and ways (Acts 20:27). This is paramount as we all will have to answer to God in all things.

In saying the above, it should be said that at this stage the website is continually undergoing a refinement in terms of adding further articles to various topics as well as complementing existing articles with additional scriptural references where appropriate.

Lastly, to reiterate, it is important that as believers of Christ we deeply understand the seriousness of being found to be walking in false doctrine and practices. God’s Word states that we will be judged by His Word (John 12:48), and only have one opportunity to get it right (Heb 9:27). Therefore, as believers we need to urgently abandon long held unscriptural teachings, false beliefs, and false practices as well as unbiblical and erroneous personal ‘liberties’ which are deception that will prevent the attainment of heaven in the absence of ongoing repentance.

It is therefore my prayer that these articles and the website as a whole will go some way to help meet the objectives above for the benefit of many to the glory of God.