14 April 2022


Keep in mind believers that the “easter” name is an actual demon’s name, masquerading as a “harmless” ‘god’ called “easter” and deceiving the world and many believers.

It goes without saying that giving indirect or direct attention to an all too pleased demon through observing a scripturally unauthorised ‘tradition’ called “easter” is not of God and is sin.

The mere mention of “easter” in the KJV does not mean it was authorised or permitted to observe. And, almost no Bible translation today contains “easter” because it doesn’t appear in the Greek. The NKJV acknowledged this human error by removing the word from its translation. By doing so, it doesn’t mean God’s Word is errant, it isn’t of course.
Our God’s first Commandment says that ‘you shall have no other gods before Me’ (Exod 20:3).

By observing this false and unbiblical tradition at this time, we put it and therefore the ‘god’ “easter” before God, in clinging onto it yearly, and irrespective of the love and devotion we have for Jesus Christ. By saying “happy easter”, we are unwillingly but unfailingly saying ‘happy demon’, because simply “easter” is a demon, a fallen angel. By promoting or engaging in the “season” proper, you are indirectly giving your attention in some way to a demon. Doing these things is wide road, worldly, activity (Matt 7:13-14).

Time we put away unnecessary and harmful tradition which is the very thing the Lord revealed that we should let go of (Mark 7:6-8), as it doesn’t please Him. It should also be said that the “easter season” practiced by pagans has many dark and evil practices which is reflective of the demon’s desires and motives at this time. We should not at all be connected with the “easter” name in any way.

The only ongoing ‘tradition’ Jesus commanded is “Communion” (1 Cor 11:23-26) throughout the year and not specially at this time of year.

16 Mar 2021

‘ “EASTER” OBSERVANCE – THE ‘HARD’ TRUTH’ (Multi-part series)

Part 1 of 7

It’s about this time of the year when Christians and the world think about the approaching “Easter” season. “Easter” is often described as the period of greatest observance and celebration in Christendom and is also observed by countless non-Christians across the world.

Due to its popularity, it is profitable to investigate the origins of “Easter” and its observance in order to know when and how it came to be among the most celebrated events throughout the world.
Well, it may or may not come as a surprise to know that the celebration of “Easter” is rooted in pagan practice and that its observance by Christians began hundreds of years after Jesus Christ walked the earth.

That being said, however, does its pagan origin mean that Christians should not celebrate “Easter?” And, despite its origin, may it not be said that it is a tradition that has stood the test of time and therefore has become an accepted practice in the Church calendar? This introductory video provides a brief historical insight into “Easter” and will partly answer these questions in the biblical context.

A subsequent video this week explores more deeply “Easter’s” origins and practices and will also identify some of the symbols that represent the purposes and objectives of this “season” that multitudes of people celebrate.

In viewing these videos, it is hoped that Christians and non-Christians would strive to consider all things that are observed or celebrated in the light of the Holy Scriptures.

17 Mar 2021


“Easter” is not found in the Bible

Part 2 of 7

The word “Easter” is not found in the Greek New Testament, from which we derive our bible translations.

The ‘Textus Receptus’ is the universally used Greek text of the New Testament, and means ‘Received Text’. This is the document that human beings have ‘received’ as the principle text used to translate the Greek New Testament into the world’s languages.
Notice the Greek word ‘πασχα’ in the Textus Receptus below in the book of Acts 12:4. This is the Greek word ‘pascha’, meaning “Passover”, which is taken from ‘pesach’, the Hebrew for “Passover”.

Acts 12:4:

Textus Receptus: “ον και πιασας εθετο εις φυλακην παραδους τεσσαρσιν τετραδιοις στρατιωτων φυλασσειν αυτον βουλομενος μετα το πασχα αναγαγειν αυτον τω λαω”
King James Version (KJV): “And when he had apprehended him (Peter), he put him in prison, and delivered him to four quaternions of soldiers to keep him; intending after Easter to bring him forth to the people.”

English Standard Version (ESV): “And when he had seized him, he put him in prison, delivering him over to four squads of soldiers to guard him, intending after the Passover to bring him out to the people.”

As seen in the ESV above, the Greek ‘pascha’ is correctly not translated as “easter” but “passover”. All truthful biblical and ecclesiastical scholarship knows this. Any honest person can see that pascha/passover observed by Jews and others has no connection with the word “easter”.

To further highlight the absurdity of the word “easter” in Acts 12:4 in the KJV (1611) above, the word “pascha” appears 29 times in the Greek New Testament. Yet, “inexplicably”, the KJV renders it as “Passover” in 28 instances. Why? Because it is. Strangely, Acts 12:4 is the only place in the KJV where “pascha” is translated as “easter”.

An obvious and clear human Error which was properly recognised and corrected by the updated New King James Version (NKJV 1982) which reads:

“So when he (Herod) had arrested him (Peter), he put him in prison, and delivered him to four squads of soldiers to keep him, intending to bring him before the people after ‘passover’ (Acts 12:4 NKJV).

Pastors and believers alike should not be afraid to call this out nor should one move with the crowd in hiding this truth.

If you’re unknowing of this error, please research it yourself. Though, be extremely mindful of those who aim to try and convince and even ‘trick’ you into believing that the Hebrew “pesach” (‘Passover’), which had been celebrated by Jews as the ‘Lord’s Passover’ (Exod 12:11) for centuries before Christ from the time of Moses in Exodus 12 suddenly means “easter” centuries later.

This is despite only ‘pascha’ (passover) appearing in the Greek ‘Textus Receptus’ above and not “easter”. Nonsensical. Just so they can continue to disobediently observe or celebrate “easter” or maintain their status quo for their own reasons.

Furthermore, and importantly, by advertising or promoting or accepting “easter” as valid or celebrating it, you pastor and Christian are actually unconsciously or otherwise promoting the demon (evil, fallen angel) called “easter” who is trickily masquerading as the “harmless” ‘god’ “eostre”/”ishtar” etc. The god “easter” is the name of the demon behind it.

As a Christian, you cannot be said to be genuinely worshipping Jesus Christ and at the same time be embracing and promoting the “easter” “season” and word and therefore respecting this demon’s name or at the very least the pagan ‘god’ “eostre” which pagans are worshipping today.

Stop it pastors.

Stop leading your flock astray by promoting this name and “season” “easter” that evidently does not even appear in the Textus Receptus and which as stated the NKJV (1982) recognised and corrected as such.

The proper Word of God is infallible as true Christians know. Human translators are not. Understand the distinction, imperfect human beings can get things wrong. It’s reasonable and honourable to admit translational error. God knows this would happen and He corrected it in the NKJV. The true Word of God has never changed.

“””I am the Lord; that is My name. I will not give My glory to another or My praise to idols” (Isa 42:8).

God says:

“Be careful to do everything I have said to you. Do not invoke the names of other gods; do not let them be heard on your lips” (Exod 23:13).

Saying “happy easter” is no different to saying “happy zeus” or “happy satan”, or “happy demon”. By doing so, you are unconsciously but unfailingly exalting satan at “easter” time and he is only too happy to accept your oblivious promotion of him which acts as a form of invocation to him to come and connect to your belief or meeting or event in some way as per Exodus 23:13 above.

‘Easter’, ‘zeus’ and ‘satan’ above are all ‘gods’, demon names, demons.
God says, “You shall have no other gods before me” (Exod 20:3, first Commandment of the ten).

In truth, the embracing, promotion and celebration of “easter” is unconsciously having another god before God.

Embracing “easter” is to embrace a thing or practice that scripturally doesn’t exist in the true Christian world as shown above.

This is a great deception.

“Easter” needs to be thrown out immediately.

“Easter” was completely foreign to the practices of the Apostles and the early church. It is a pagan, false, and sinful tradition in the sight of God.

In continuing to embrace the “easter” observance or the name as valid you are opposing the clear scriptures and engaging in idolatry in deed or in thought as like pagans (Exod 20:3; 2 Cor 6:14-18).

Romans 12/2: “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—His good, pleasing and perfect will”.

19 Mar 2021

‘ “EASTER” OBSERVANCE – THE ‘HARD’ TRUTH’ (Multi-part series)’

Part 3 of 7

“Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (Jesus Christ, John 8:32).

24 Mar 2021

‘ “EASTER” OBSERVANCE – THE ‘HARD’ TRUTH, ‘Passover’, And The Falsity Of The Yearly “Resurrection Sunday” Tradition’ (Multi-part series)

Part 4 of 7

This video happens to include an insight into the Jewish roots of the Christian Faith in the light of its presentation on “Easter’s” pagan influences on Christianity.
Namely, there are favourable comments in the video to the subject of the observance of the Passover festival. However, the posting of this video is not intended to advance the observance of “Passover” as the Bible clearly shows that observing Passover is not an intended New Covenant practice. It is posted because it highlights well the folly of observing “Easter”.

To elaborate, the Word of God makes it clear that Jesus Christ fulfilled the yearly festival of Passover which was observed by the Jews where He Himself became the ‘Passover’ Lamb for the Salvation of humanity (John 1:29).

On this note, while Paul the Apostle kept a yearly festival (or festivals in general) as appears in various bible versions of Acts 18:21, he evidently did not do so as a matter of necessity for the believer. This is because in context in 1 Corinthians chapter 9 verse 20 he states that, “To the Jews I became like a Jew, to win the Jews…”. And, in verses 22-23, “…I have become all things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some. 23 I do all this for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in its blessings”.

Paul takes this positon in observing the practices of Jews that were yet unsaved in order that they would view him as like themselves so that it would assist in winning them to Christ. This means that he personally and justifiably took a “permissive Will” of God position for the sake of saving souls.

Critically, a clear and overriding reason Passover or any yearly festival (Leviticus 23) is not mandated or necessary to observe by any believer is because Colossians 2:16-17 speaks of them as ‘shadows’ of things that were to come. That is, the ‘Passover Lamb’, Jesus Christ, is the Reality which they pointed to and therefore His sacrifice on the Cross clearly did away with such Old Testament ‘shadows’.

Therefore, engaging in a mandatory or necessary observance of Passover would contradict these verses unless Passover were being observed by a believer for the true, direct and genuine purpose of winning Jewish people to Christ as like the Jewish Paul the Apostle. In this regard, it is not possible that the Word in stating in one place that the festivals are no longer required to be observed due to the ‘Reality being Christ’ (v. 17) can in another place contradictorily mandate or require the same festivals to be observed beyond the Cross in light of this reality.

Therefore, the question is, is your personal Passover/Unleavened Bread observance truly and specifically influencing and winning unbelieving Jewish people to Jesus Christ in God’s sight like Paul the Apostle? Are you specifically and fervently speaking and interacting with unbelieving Jewish people about Christ during Passover? Is this in your mind? If you are desiring to then it has to be Truly willed of God personally for you like Paul for the purpose of your direct engagement with Jewish people in order to win them to Christ according to 1 Corinthians chapter 9 above. Otherwise it is sin in that you are engaging in the abolished practice of Passover (Col 2:16-17 – abolished feasts/festivals) for the wrong reason(s) in light of Jesus being the final Passover Lamb at the Cross.

Further, we see Paul’s zeal in becoming ‘all things to all men’ in his seeming practice of taking a Nazarite vow in Acts 18:18. Again, Paul took such Jewish vow for the purpose of showing unsaved Jews that he was ‘just like them’ in order to help to persuade them that Jesus was the Christ. Therefore, Paul’s observance of a festival or festivals and the vow was strictly for strategic and deliberate ‘soul-winning’ purposes and is certainly not mandatory or necessary upon Jewish or non-Jewish believers to do the same.

Lastly, it is important to reinforce again that the New Testament does not instruct nor imply that Christians are to observe or celebrate “Passover” beyond the final Sacrificial and Redemptive Act of ‘Salvation’ by Jesus Christ.

Rather, the Word explictly reveals that believers are to only regularly observe at any time what is commonly termed ‘Communion’ (“The Lord’s Supper”). Jesus Himself commanded this practice in the New Testament gospels. Communion and water baptism are the only two formal ‘sacramental’ practices that believers are mandated to do in the Scriptures.

“Resurrection Sunday”

The Scriptures strongly suggest that the observance of a “Resurrection Sunday” tradition does not please God.

Among other things, replacing the words “Easter Sunday” for “Resurrection Sunday” presumes that it is biblical or acceptable for Christians to observe the day and period of “Easter” because of the word ‘Resurrection’, and therefore that it is a right and proper ‘Christian’ tradition. It’s not, and the Apostles and early church did not do such which is telling.

Doing so demonstrates that the Church of God is beholden to the practices of various and historical and false aspects of Christianity with its focus on celebrating certain periods of the year arising from pagan ‘god’ worship which for instance is practiced during this current period. Thus, if the Church-at-large hadn’t erroneously and ignorantly adopted the observance of “Easter” then there would obviously be no observance of a “Resurrection Sunday”. Therefore, in this light, it is very wrong and unnecessary to establish an unbiblical tradition in place of a false one.

As stated earlier, the regular, formal Practice that Christians are instructed to observe in the Bible is ‘Communion’. This is the only one, and, the practice does not specifically observe Jesus’ Resurrection per se but specifically proclaims the Lord’s Death until He returns and puts Him in remembrance (1 Cor 11:23-26; Luke 22:14-20).

In all truth, we believers of God are deceiving ourselves each year in presumptuously thinking and believing that naming a day as “Resurrection Sunday” upon an “Easter” ‘foundation’ pleases God and strongly and automatically blesses the Church and world. As mentioned, it is a false tradition which was never observed by the early Church and proponents of it typically evoke the supposed but falsely-premised justification that by observing it we are truly glorifying God and more easily winning the world to Christ and perhaps more particularly because of the somewhat reduced mention of “Easter” ‘headlines’ on that sunday for many churches.

However, God does not overlook a practice or tradition that is itself specifically founded upon historical pagan worship practices regardless of how indirect or unintentioned the practice may be to the original ungodly practices.

Instead, in truth, the yearly observance of “Resurrection Sunday” and or “Easter”, continually and sadly highlight the historical and current (always) ‘seasons’ of idolatry by pagans which the church must be totally disconnected and unspotted from according to the Scriptures (2 Cor 6:14-18).

Further, there are other unfortunate consequences that occur as a result of observing “Easter”, “Resurrection Sunday” and any other unnecessary and “Easter”- inspired false traditions. Among other things, doing so accommodates and appeases the world’s appetite for traditional yet ‘token’ and false religious observances and the yearly and godless exploitations of the “season” as well as the world’s own ‘worldly’ and false expectations of what Christianity is about and what it should be.

Therefore, we believers need to quickly and thoroughly reject and stop our false traditions and observances relating to the entire “Easter” period. It’s high time we stand up for God’s Word if we say we are God-fearing followers of Jesus Christ and thus be unconnected to historical and idolatrous false practices and show leadership and obedience to God and change this.

The church needs to urgently repent of establishing false traditions as it is sin before the Lord. Doing so thereby shakes off worldliness and compromise.
Otherwise, we continue to please Man, the “flesh”/’sinful nature’, ‘comfortable’ Christians, and offend God greatly.

7 “They worship Me in vain;
their teachings are but rules taught by men”.
8 You have let go of the commands of God and are holding on to the traditions of men” (Jesus Christ, Mark 7:7-8).

29 Mar 2021

‘Why pastors, evangelists, apostles, prophets, teachers, and believers alike must not celebrate or mark the “Easter” occasion. Very serious reasons’ (Video)

Part 5 of 7

Note: ‘Pascha’ is “Passover” every time in the ‘Textus Receptus’, in the Greek ‘New Testament’. ‘Pascha’ is never written as “easter” in the Textus Receptus nor can it be replaced by the word “easter”.

Naturally, the Greek (the language the New Testament was written in), and not any English translation, is the proper basis for all the world’s New Testament translations.

31 Mar 2021

‘ “EASTER” OBSERVANCE – THE ‘HARD’ TRUTH’ (Multi-part series)

“Easter” mistranslation, Idolatry, Worldliness, Communion

Part 6 of 7

Parts 1-5 examined the pagan origins of “Easter” and identified that the purpose of the season is for pagans to worship and celebrate the so-called ‘god’ “easter”, the demon who presides over this “season”. They also examined ‘Passover’ and the tradition of “Resurrection Sunday” and asserted that the former was no longer required to be observed except in certain circumstances (part 4 of 6) and that the latter was an unbiblical tradition.

In this Part, I would like to share some further insights on the topic of “Easter” with the hope that it may shed more light on the influence and effects of this pagan practice on the Church.
Incorrect Bible Translation)

Apart from a clear departure from the truth of Scripture by professing Christians, among other reasons, I would like to reinforce and restate in part that one of the reasons why “Easter” has been widely practiced over a long period of time is because of its unfortunate inclusion in Scripture. The celebrated 1611 King James Version (KJV) of the Bible, also known as the ‘Authorised Version’, renders the Greek word “pascha” in the Book of Acts chapter 12 verse 4, as “easter”.

This is how the passage reads in the King James Version:

4 “And when he (Herod) had apprehended him (Peter the Apostle), he (Herod) put him in prison, and delivered him to four quaternions of soldiers to keep him; intending after Easter to bring him forth to the people” (Acts 12:4 KJV).

Virtually all biblical and ecclesiastical scholarship concludes that the above translation of “easter” is wrong. This is because the word “easter” in Acts 12:4 is simply not found in the commonly used ‘Received Text’ Greek New Testament. The Greek word, “pascha”, is derived from the Hebrew “pesach” meaning ‘Passover’, which is the Jewish Feast symbolising the salvific death and victory of the Son of God Yeshua (Jesus Christ) over humanity’s sins which has nothing to do with the word “easter” or the “easter” tradition.

This is how the correctly rendered passage of the updated (New) King James Version (NKJV 1982) reads:

4 “So when he (Herod) had arrested him (Peter the Apostle), he (Herod) put him in prison, and delivered him to four squads of soldiers to keep him, intending to bring him before the people after passover” (Acts 12:4 NKJV).

As is seen, the 1982 NKJV correctly renders “pascha” as ‘Passover’. So, for 371 years after the release of the KJV, countless numbers of Christians and non-Christians across the world have believed or accepted that it is right to celebrate “easter” simply because it was placed in the verse above. In illuminating the magnitude of this error, the Adam Clarke Commentary states that, “perhaps there has never been a more absurd translation than in this text in Acts 12:4”. Also, Barnes’ notes on the Bible states:

“There never was a more absurd or unhappy translation than this. The original is simply after the Passover…’pascha’..but the original has no reference to that [“Easter”]…the translation is not only unhappy, as it does not convey at all the meaning of the original…in the translation by Wycliffe (14th century), the word “paske,” that is, “Passover,” is used. But Tyndale (16th century) and Coverdale used the word “Easter,” and hence, it has very improperly crept into our King James Version (1611)”.

To further highlight the absurdity of the word “easter” in Acts 12:4, the word “pascha” appears 29 times in the New Testament. The KJV renders it as ‘Passover’ in 28 instances. Acts 12:4 is the only place in the KJV where “pascha” is translated as “easter”, an obvious error.

That being said, however, even with the correction to ‘Passover’, hundreds of millions of Christians across the world continue to use the name of this demon called “easter” to headline their Christian observances and church services at “easter” time. The zealous early Christians and the Apostles certainly did not participate in such pagan observances. It’s time we stop and do like them.

Demon Exaltation ; Idolatry)
Another reason why the Church should refrain from celebrating and observing “easter” is because using the name is tantamount to acknowledging and paying homage to this demon. This demon “easter” is only too happy to be venerated by billions of people across the world and to hear its name repeated over and over again at this time of year primarily through general observance and the universally known greeting “happy easter” mainly expressed during the ritualistic observances of the so-called “Holy Week” that includes the “Good Friday” to “Easter Sunday” period.

Most Christians and churches would deny any type of involvement in pagan observances. However, the truth is when churches advertise their “easter” programs and typically include the word “easter” in advertising material and favourably in sermons and various church paraphernalia as well as when “easter” is discussed and planned for, this demon is unconsciously and automatically honoured and respected.

In doing so, Christians have compromised their relationship with God as well as the place of God in their lives which God guards with sovereign authority and which is epitomised in His first of Ten Commandments to the world in His foundational Law: “You shall have no other gods before Me” (Exod 20:3). Furthermore, God’s sovereign authority in the affairs of men is shown in Isaiah: “I am the Lord; that is My name. I will not give My glory to another or My praise to idols” (Isa 42:8).

In this light, let us then consider the following command from God Almighty concerning other ‘gods’ (demons), in the book of Exodus. God says,

“Be careful to do everything I have said to you. Do not invoke the names of other gods; do not let them be heard on your lips” (Exod 23:13).

It is sobering to know that God specifically warns His people to be careful with what is said with the lips. Thus, in light of this explicit command to not so much as to obliviously have a demon’s name on one’s lips, could it not be said that the conscious participation in “easter” practices and the customary “happy easter” greetings by Christians may open the door to demonic entities which seek to reinforce and expand their influence and control over this period? Also, is it not the case that this greeting “happy easter” is no different in substance to lauding the demon world and, for instance, expressing “happy zeus”, “happy thor”, or “happy satan?” I suggest there is no difference.

Unfortunately, even with uncontested evidence that “easter” is a pagan god that is still worshipped by pagans today, many Christians will nevertheless still ignorantly contend that “easter” observances and greetings are merely tradition and harmless and will not even begin to consider that these practices are offensive to God and sin. Again, are we absolutely certain that we are not inviting and connecting demons into our churches and lives and, in any event, as Christians, what scriptural basis do we have to perpetuate worldly practices and un-Christian traditions?

Jesus Christ answers these questions in the gospel of Mark chapter 7, verse 8: “you have let go of the commands of God and are holding on to the traditions of men”. Such an indictment from the Son of God clearly sends a message that it is not God’s Will for Christians to engage in nor celebrate the season “easter” in any way, shape or form.

Further, the importance of knowing the risks associated with the adoption of pagan traditions is also highlighted by the New Testament’s clear admonishments to the Church to separate itself from unholy practices so that there is no temptation to embrace them. In this respect, as with other so-called and false “Christian” observances that have their roots in pagan practice such as “Christmas”, the Word of God is very clear that it is not permissible nor possible for non-Christian traditions to be courted and then “Christianised” as if to say that Christians can engage authentically in church practices and events in God’s sight upon foundations of unholy practice. This is not possible and makes a mockery of the purposes of God. In this regard, 2 Corinthians 6:14-18 states,

“Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, and will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty” (2 Cor 6:14-18 KJV).
Furthermore, in exposing the ungodly practices of the pagan, or heathen nations, the prophet Jeremiah warns, “thus saith the LORD, learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them” (Jer 10:2 KJV).
“Easter” is Worldliness)

These comments above have so far evidenced that the event or observance of “easter” is foreign in every way to the ways of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. In another way, they make it plain that engaging with “easter” is a thoroughly worldly and rebellious practice. In this vein, Paul the Apostle wrote to the believers in Rome concerning the need for Christians to separate from unholy, or worldly practices:

1“therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God – this is your spiritual act of worship. 2 Do not conform any longer to the pattern of the world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – His good, pleasing and perfect will (Rom 12:1-2).

Thus, in the context of these biblical instructions, one can assert that the proliferation and ubiquitous promotion of the word and name “easter” is both a conscious and unconscious acceptance of a practice which cannot in any way benefit the church irrespective of whatever ways societies or churches “evolve” or “change” and therefore wrongly expect churches to change in step. However, the God that controls the world does not change (Mal 3:6).
‘Communion’ Command)

In this respect and, as is clearly evident with honest study and reflection, nowhere in the Scriptures do we find any express or implied command or instruction to engage with, or change or adopt a pagan observance for a supposedly Christian observance. Instead, the Bible gives us a holy and unchanging Practice to observe regularly throughout the year: ‘Communion’ (Matt 26:26-29, Mark 14:22-25; Luke 22:14-22).

In ‘Communion’, while Jesus Christ is observing the Passover with His disciples in Jerusalem, He says to them, “this is My Body given for you; do this (Communion) in remembrance of Me (Luke 22:19; 1 Cor 11:23-26). By commanding so, Jesus instructs believers that the ‘Communion’, or ‘Supper’, and not “Easter”, is the only Formal observance in Scripture where we must (regularly) proclaim the Lord’s death until He comes by ‘eating the bread’ and ‘drinking the cup’ (1 Cor 11:26).

Finally, given the clear guidance and truths of the Scriptures, questions that we might ask ourselves at this time of year include whether we have planned to once again promote and participate in an annual and worldwide offence against God? Or, will we reconsider and communicate the real truth to believers and to unbelievers whom commonly look to the Church for guidance in general life? Will this year be the year when you and your church and people move in boldness and God’s truth and remove this ungodly and sinful “easter” tradition from church calendars and customs?

Or, will the status quo remain and this demon “easter” continue to be automatically honoured by putting pagan-connected Church observances before or besides God in contravention of the first Commandment in Exodus 20 verse 3?

2 April 2021

‘ “EASTER” OBSERVANCE – THE ‘HARD’ TRUTH’ (Multi-part series)

Part 7 of 7

Paul’s Concern for the Galatians.

Galatians 4: 8-11:

8 “Formerly, when you did not know God, you were slaves to those who by nature are not gods. 9 But now that you know God—or rather are known by God—how is it that you are turning back to those weak and miserable principles? Do you wish to be enslaved by them all over again? 10 You are observing special days and months and seasons and years! 11 I fear for you, that somehow I have wasted my efforts on you”.

“Good Friday”
“Easter Sunday”
“Resurrection Sunday”

“Good Friday” and “Easter Sunday” are historically connected to Catholicism. They are unbiblical, overreaching, and false traditions having no authority for them in Scripture. Saying so is not intended to be a personal criticism of ‘catholics’ or other groups, but is merely scripturally objective.

Not observing or not identifying “Resurrection Sunday” or other related ‘titles’ at this time does not at all mean we are ‘letting down the Church’ or the world or cannot win the lost to Christ.

The issue is that Scripture does not permit believers to perpetuate the observance or acknowledgment of the “easter” period through replacing “easter sunday” with “Resurrection Sunday”. Scripture requires a complete breakaway from the ‘traditions of men’ (Mark 7:8) even if the words appear seemingly “harmless” to describe an occasion.

It is proper and Scriptural to detach the use of the words “Resurrection Sunday” from this sunday. This is in order to remove any connection to the underlying reason itself for replacing “easter sunday” with “resurrection sunday” which is that “easter” is a pagan ‘god’ and demon with of course no connection to Christianity.

The Church needs to re-educate itself and the world that we can relate with God and succeed in communicating His Word and gospel without being beholden to unbiblical traditions. This is faith. More good is done in God’s sight by doing this because of obedience.

Further, there is no reason at all why pastors and believers alike cannot simply and finally change and follow Jesus’ command to regularly ‘partake’ of His Body and Blood – without the need to specially identify and ‘name’ this period.

The Church has commonly named this regular partaking as “Communion”, which the ‘partaking’ is found in Matthew 26:26-29, Mark 14:22-25, Luke 22:14-22 and 1 Corinthians 11:26.

The Apostles and early church did not name their ongoing partaking of ‘Communion’ and preaching of Christ upon a ‘special’ “Good Friday” or “Resurrection Sunday” period or with other formal ‘headlines’ just because they were living through this march/april period of the year.

To reiterate, the Church needs to stand up in faith and obedience and tell its own and the world that it is engaging in what it calls ‘Communion’ or some other name or words on any given day of the year it chooses. In the current time this is done without specially identifying the “easter” period through the use of the words and titles “Good Friday” and “Resurrection Sunday” and any other unbiblical descriptions.

No need to observe special days and months and seasons and years as the Scripture in Galatians 4:10 above says.


11 April 2020

‘The Unauthorised And Unbiblical Observances Of The “Easter” And “Resurrection Sunday” “Traditions” ‘

Paul The Apostle’s Concern For The Galatians:

8 “Formerly, when you did not know God, you were slaves to those who by nature are not gods. 9 But now that you know God—or rather are known by God—how is it that you are turning back to those weak and miserable principles? Do you wish to be enslaved by them all over again? 10 You are observing special days and months and seasons and years! 11 I fear for you, that somehow I have wasted my efforts on you. 12 I plead with you, brothers, become like me, for I became like you. You have done me no wrong”.
(Galatians 4:8-12)

The Church worldwide generally does not Fear God, but rather it also honours another ‘god’ at this time of year.

Pastors, Preachers, Christians, Believers, google tells us, just by a tap, who “Easter” is. Deeper investigations further reveal the uncontested conclusion that “Easter” is a ‘god’. Most Christians and certainly the overwhelming majority if not all preachers know that “Easter” is a god, an idol.

This ‘god’ like other gods is a perfectly hostile enemy to our Creator God and Jesus Christ, and YOU. It is not merely a wooden or stone representation with the name “Easter” attached to it but by revelation “Easter” is the name of an actual demon that spoke to and deceived Man to create the idol “Easter”, and to follow the demon’s directions, so that humans would actually be worshipping it knowingly or unknowingly.

This is what is happening today, which is, at the very least, the unconscious and ungodly following of the pagan “Easter” tradition and therefore the continued honouring of the “Easter” god.

To put it bluntly, when you acknowledge “Easter” by name or tradition, you are honouring the DEMON “Easter”. It’s as simple, and grave as that.

Even so, let’s say that one does not agree that “Easter” is a demon. Nevertheless, where is your Fear of God that is supposed to make you finally put away the god “Easter?”

What’s going on Church of God?
Believers, are you really saying that in God’s sight you can’t cope if you don’t acknowledge “Easter?”

Are you afraid to tell the truth and implement it because your Church would “fall?”

If so, is this honest and faithful before God?

Must we at all costs cling to this idol “Easter” by name or more?
Do you not have enough information by now from the Scriptures that we simply cannot accommodate the existence and traditions of other gods and idols as believers whom were set free from past worldly practices which are enmity with God? (James 4:4-6)

“For all the ‘gods’ of the nations are idols,
but the Lord made the heavens” (1 Chronicles 16:26).

1 ‘And God spoke all these words:
2 “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.
3 “You shall have no other gods before Me” (Exodus 20:1-3, the First Commandment).

Given the above, when as a Church are we going to “snap out” of these offensive and sinful practices voluntarily or in some other way, and truly Fear God?

In all sincerity, is the Church-at-large under a strong delusion from God which He spoke of in 2 Thessalonians 2:10-12 where He makes people believe the lie because they refuse to love the truth of for instance “you shall have no other gods before Me” among others?

In truth, doesn’t the mere usage of the name “Easter” mean that we have permitted the “Easter” god to compete with the God of Jesus Christ for our attention or even affection?
Why is it pastors and preachers that you continue to yearly announce this god as if it is acceptable to God when in truth it is unacceptable to Him and detrimental to your congregations and followers in His sight?

Is it really extremely hard in all truth to refrain from accommodating this idol “Easter?”
If so, are you sure given that with God nothing is impossible, as a start? (Luke 1:37)
Does the unauthorised observance of a “Resurrection Sunday” in some way justify the continued use of the name “Easter” most specially paraded from the “Good Friday” to “Easter Sunday” period? No, Galatians chapter 4 above says it all.

God is so clear on this subject in His Word and is grieved when we disobey Him. We do not have a liberty in God that permits such traditions. The Bible is firmly against doing so which is the reason the Book of ‘Acts’ Churches did not do as we are doing today.

It is always High time preachers and believers to walk in the Truth of the Scriptures that you profess and especially this year and beyond as the Church has entered into a need for greater discernment and full Truth-Power due to the times we are in.

Time to stop all these unbiblical observances. God will bless it if we do. Please.
“Communion”, as it is commonly known, is sufficient biblically as it is the only Command where Jesus says we should proclaim His death until He returns and remember Him by – not through any unbiblically-named “tradition” of man (Mark 7:8).